
Daria Miseika

Ikona symbolizująca zjawisko pochłaniania fali dźwiękowej


Ikona symbolizująca średnie tony fal dźwiękowych

mid tones

Ikona symbolizująca wysokie tony fal dźwiękowych

high tones

Detailed information, which we are working on, will soon be available here.

For more information about MeeSi,
please contact us via the contact form or email.

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Quality and certificates of EcoPET material

Quality and safety are our top priority.
Therefore, we use materials that meet the highest standards and comply with the requirements of the building law.
Some of our products additionally meet the requirements of the RoHS directive and the REACH regulation.

RoHS compliant
Reach compliant

EU 1907/2006

Certyfikat wolny od formaldehydu

EN 717-1:2004

formaldehyde free

Certyfikat klasy niepalności

B-s2, d0

fire resistance


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